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Dr. Victoria Givens

What is a Male Brow Lift?

Men often develop heavy, overhanging brows and deep forehead creases ultimately resulting in a tired, angry appearance. A male brow lift is a custom surgery performed to restore the eyebrows to their once youthful position, smooth away forehead lines, and subtly lift the eyelids. When performed by Dr. Givens, a top facial plastic surgeon and expert in male brow lift, this procedure can produce a change that results in an entirely natural, well-rested, more approachable appearance. 

Man smiling into camera, wearing a white shirt.

The Brow Lift Consultation with Dr. Givens

During your consultation with Dr. Givens, your unique facial features including eyebrow position and symmetry, hairline and skin, and overall bone structure will be judiciously evaluated. This assessment will determine the surgical approach required to achieve your desired results and prevent unwanted changes to the hairline. Treatment involves placing discreet incisions within the hairline or natural creases of the forehead where they are nearly invisible once healed. This revolutionary procedure lifts and smooths the skin and underlying musculature of the upper face to create a remarkably younger, refreshed appearance.

Dr. Givens wants her patients to make informed treatment decisions. She will discuss and educate you on the available surgical and non-surgical options relevant to your overall goals. All questions and concerns will be addressed during your consultation. Dr. Givens always invites her patients to return for a second consultation to further discuss any new or remaining patient concerns related to the previously established and recommended treatment plan.

Benefits of a Male Brow Lift

  • Redefine a naturally refreshed, alert, and approachable appearance
  • Lift heavy, low-positioned eyebrows
  • Smooth away horizontal grooves of the forehead and vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows
  • Diminish asymmetry of the eyebrow position
  • Improve visual field impairment from eyebrow sagging
  • Provide long-lasting results
  • Restore self-confidence

Before & After Brow Lift Performed by Dr. Givens

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Dr. Victoria Givens: A Leader in Facial Plastic Surgery for Men 

Dr. Givens has made aesthetic facial plastic surgery, including the male brow lift procedure, her life’s work. Not only has she gained recognition for her excellent outcomes, but she has also been invited to present her brow lift techniques to her peers at the 2019 American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting in San Diego. As a renowned facial plastic surgeon who offers elite service and superior results, Dr. Givens will be in close communication with you after surgery. You can expect complete discretion, privacy, and personal care throughout your recovery process and the ultimate enhancement of both your appearance and quality of life.

Dr. Victoria Givens


How much does a Brow Lift cost?

A brow lift procedure involves a certain amount of expense and depends on the complexity of the case. Rather than focus on a specific number, you should concentrate on selecting a surgeon with significant experience and whom you trust to give you the results you desire. Even if the price is higher, a surgeon with expertise may save you the time and cost of a revision surgery in the future.

What is the recovery like after a Brow Lift?

There is minimal discomfort and temporary scalp numbness after the procedure. Your forehead and scalp may appear swollen and lumpy with variable amounts of bruising or discoloration for several days following surgery, and it is not uncommon for bruising and swelling to temporarily extend down to the eyelids. All sutures and staples are removed at the end of the first week after surgery with the majority of tightness, swelling, and bruising dissipating within the first two weeks. Most patients return to work within two weeks after surgery with certain restrictions.

When will I see my results after a Brow Lift?

A significant amount of bruising and swelling will resolve within the first two weeks after surgery revealing a well-defined upper face. While it takes a few months for all residual post-operative swelling and numbness to settle, you will see significant results within the first few weeks. In addition, it takes a full year for your upper face to reach its final contour.

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